Page 10 - minimal course description 6 years
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sessions including lectures, clinical skills workshops and case study seminars supplement the
               core clinical experience.

                   55. General Surgery
               The Surgical Inpatient Clerkship introduces the student to the workup, diagnosis, treatment and
               follow-up of a wide variety of surgical diseases. Evidence-based practices are emphasized. The
               student spends 7 weeks on a general surgery core rotation such as general or oncologic surgery,
               or pediatric surgery. This clerkship is complementary to the fifth year ambulatory emergency
               surgery  and  trauma  clerkship.  Students  are  responsible  for  the  evaluation  and  workup  of
               patients in the wards.
                   56. Pediatrics

               This  clerkship  introduces  third-year  medical  students  to  the  basic  principles  of  general
               pediatrics. Through both inpatient and outpatient encounters with children across the age range
               of pediatric, from neonates through  young adulthood, the student  receives exposure to the
               clinical care of children. The learner participates in the newborn nursery and outpatient health
               supervision  visits  where  the  fundamental  concepts  of  the  pediatric  interview  and  physical
               exam,  growth  and  development,  anticipatory  guidance,  primary  prevention,  screening,  and
               vaccination are presented.
                   57. Medical Specialties

               The Medical Specialties Clerkship introduces the student to the workup, diagnosis, treatment
               and follow-up of a wide variety of medical domains. The student spends 8 weeks on different
               subspecialties,  such  as  chest,  cardiology,  tropical  medicine;  oncology,  clinical  pathology,
               dermatology; and rheumatology. Students are responsible for the evaluation and workup of
               patients  in  the  wards.  Participation  in  daily  inpatient  multidisciplinary  ward  rounds  is
               emphasized  as  well  as  active  participation  in  a  wide  array  of  bedside  evaluation  and
               examination. In-hospital call is a requirement.

                   58. Surgical Specialties
               The Surgical Specialties Clerkship introduces the student to the workup, diagnosis, treatment
               and follow-up of a wide variety of surgical domains. The student spends 7 weeks on surgical
               specialties such as anesthesiology; ophthalmology; otolaryngology, orthopedics, neurosurgery,
               thoracic surgery, & urology. Students are responsible for the evaluation and workup of patients
               in the wards.

                   59. Research Project
               The central purpose of this module is to allow each student to independently pursue an area of
               passion that brought him or her to medical school or interesting areas that were discovered
               during  his  study.  Students  had  already  received  courses,  training,  tools,  and  mentorship
               enabling them to successfully conduct a rigorous, independent, and scholarly research project.

                   60. Prepare to Clinical Science Exam (TLE2)

               Passing the TLEII exam is mandatory for graduation. The student will take one month after the
               start of second semester. If the student was one of the highest rankers and was able to finish
               the electives earlier in the previous summer, once he pass this semester and pass the TLE II
               exam, he is legible for early graduation.
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